Klingon Pocket Dictionary

Use def:holqed-10-4 to find all words first occurring in HolQeD issue 10:4.
8 matches.
tlh: ghang
pos: verb
en: prematurely end (an event, e.g. a voyage, battle, song)
sv: avsluta i förtid (en händelse, t.ex. resa, strid, sång)
desc: may’ ghang SuvwI’ the warrior ends the battle prematurely; participants are subj.
def: HolQeD-12-2 p.8
ref: TDNW
cite: [...] ghang, is used to express the idea of a premature ending. If [...] the voyage is cut short or the song is interrupted before the final part is sung, one would say: leng ghangDI’ SuvwI’pu’ ’IQ chaH When the warriors end the voyage prematurely, they are sad.; bom ghangDI’ SuvwI’pu’ tlhutlh chaH When the warriors end the song prematurely, they drink. Note that the voyage and the song cannot end themselves. Someone has to end them. [HolQeD-12-2 p.8]
see: van (2), Dor (2)
tag: 2003; time
id: NHv
tlh: ghob [1]
pos: verb
en: fight, battle, do battle, wage war
sv: slåss, strida, föra krig
def: TKW pp.vii, 61, 179; KGT
cite: The Klingon word ghob may be translated as ethics or virtue, linguistic evidence that the concept is not unknown or never discussed among the Klingons themselves. It is probably significant that the Klingon word for do battle, or wage war is likewise ghob. [TKW p.vii]
cite: ’ang’eghQo’ quv Hutlhbogh jagh neH ghobtaHvIS ghaH. Only an enemy without honor refuses to show himself in battle. [TKW p.61]
cite: noH ghoblu’DI’ yay quv law’ Hoch quv puS. In war, there is nothing more honorable than victory. [TKW p.179]
tag: 1996; fighting
id: rFz
tlh: Hargh
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (major confrontation)
sv: slåss, strida (stor konfrontation)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: QVb
tlh: lul
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (relatively major fight)
sv: slåss, strida (relativt stort slagsmål)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: 3cE
tlh: Qor
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (very minor fight)
sv: slåss, strida (väldigt litet slagsmål)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: tmK
meta: Entries differ somewhat in source. KGT K-E entry is used here.
tlh: tlhaS
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (relatively minor fight)
sv: slåss, strida (relativt litet slagsmål)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: J87
tlh: van [1.2]
pos: verb
en: end (an event, e.g. a voyage, battle, song)
sv: avsluta (en händelse, t.ex. resa, strid, sång)
desc: may’ van SuvwI’ the warrior ends the battle; participants are subj.
def: HolQeD-12-2 p.8
ref: TDNW
cite: When an event over which one has some control ends (one can't cause a month to end), a different verb is used: van. This would apply to such things as voyages, battles, plays, operas, stories, and songs. Here, the event (the voyage, the song) doesn't end; the participant in the event or the perpetrator of the event ends it. For example: leng vanDI’ SuvwI’pu’ ’IQ chaH At the end of the voyage, the warriors are sad. bom vanDI’ SuvwI’pu’ tlhutlh chaH At the end of the song, the warriors drink.---Literally, these sentences mean When the warriors end the voyage, they are sad (leng voyage, -DI’ when, SuvwI’pu’ warriors, ’IQ be sad, chaH they) and When the warriors end the song, they drink (bom song, tlhutlh drink). [HolQeD-12-2 p.8]
cite: Maltz said he wasn't sure whether van end and van salute were really the same word, but he found it interesting that Klingons end things by saluting them. [HolQeD-12-2 p.8]
see: Dor (2), ghang
tag: 2003; time
id: 6cB
tlh: [1] vay
pos: verb
en: fight, battle (midlevel ferocity)
sv: slåss, strida (mellanstor vildsinthet)
def: KGT
tag: 1997; fighting
id: 6Dq